Cambridge Professional Certification


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الشهادات المهنية الاحترافية

Professional Certification


Professional certification is a process in which a person proves that he or she has the knowledge, experience, and skills to perform a specific job. The proof comes in the form of a certificate earned by passing an exam that is accredited by an organization or association that monitors and upholds prescribed standards for the particular industry involved.

A wide variety of industries and careers offer professional certification, from highly technical jobs and human services of all kinds to jobs in the arts, including ballroom dancing. In each case, the certificate assures employers, customers, students, and the public that the certificate holder is competent and professional.

In some professions, certification is a requirement for employment or practice. Doctors, teachers, Certified Public Accountants , and pilots are examples.

What?s in it for You?

Professional certification shows employers and clients that you are committed to your profession and are well-trained. It gives them confidence in your abilities. Certification makes you more valuable to employers and so you can expect to:

  • Enjoy better employment and advancement opportunities

  • Have a competitive advantage over candidates without certificates

  • Earn higher wages

  • Receive tuition reimbursement for continuing education

زمالة الاداريين المحترفين

The Institute of Professional Managers & Administrators


 شهادة كامبردج الاحترافية فى اللغة الانجليزية

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Cambridge Professional Certificate in Human Resources CPCHR

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 جميع الدورات باللغةالانجليزية - إختبر لغتك الانجليزية

We recommend to test your English First

  فحص جهازك - متطلبات النظام للدراسة مع كامبردج أونلاين

System Requirements